Private COMLEX Tutoring Level 1, 2 & 3

Our 99th percentile tutors will create a personalized study plan for COMLEX tutoring and help you get your target score for your dream residency
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COMLEX Level 1

Personalized 1:1 Level 1 COMLEX tutoring to ensure you get the best score possible
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COMLEX Level 2

Personalized 1:1 Level 2 COMLEX tutoring to ensure you get the best score possible
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COMLEX Level 3

Personalized 1:1 Level 3 COMLEX tutoring to ensure you get the best score possible
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COMLEX Tutoring That Gets You Results

You don’t deserve cookie-cutter tutoring since the COMLEX test results play a big role in the residency match process. That’s why our COMLEX tutoring plan is based on your diagnostic results, your tutor’s expertise, and your input. Most importantly, each student has a different study approach and learning style. We recognize this and do not offer group classes and only focus on personalized 1 on 1 tutoring, so that you can drive your progress in the direction and with the pace that you like.
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Before you go, here are a few facts about us!

The Advantage Factor: Working with us can increase your chances of admission by 7x!

The Best of the Best: Our team comprises of only 99th percentile tutors and former admissions officers from top-ranking universities, meaning you work with only the most experienced, talented experts.

The Free Consultation: Our experts would love to get to know you, your background, goals, and needs. From there, they match you with a best-fit consultant who will create a detailed project plan and application strategy focused on your success.