Private USMLE Step 1 Tutoring

Our 99th percentile USMLE Step 1 tutors are passionate about helping you boost your score with customized, digital tutoring. Our method focuses on pinpointing where you need the most help so you can see significant improvements faster.
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private USMLE Step 1 tutoring

Ready to learn which comprehensive plan is right for you?

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How Our Private USMLE Step 1 Tutoring Service Works

Complete intake form and diagnostic assessment

Complete intake form and diagnostic assessment

We immediately jump into what USMLE content you need help with most. Our proprietary diagnostic method helps us understand what USMLE prep strategies work best for you.
Speak With A Coach
Create an initial, highly personalized USMLE Step 1 prep plan

Create an initial, highly personalized USMLE Step 1 prep plan

You will be paired with a dedicated 99th percentile USMLE tutor who has experience coaching candidates like yourself. During the kickoff call, they will understand your learning style and prepare a study plan for you. This will evolve into a customized private USMLE Step 1 tutoring plan that focuses on rectifying your weaknesses.
Speak With A Coach
Work one-on-one with your tutor to rectify weaknesses

Work one-on-one with your tutor to rectify weaknesses

You will spend time with your tutor executing your USMLE Step 1 prep plan. We know you’re busy, so our tutors make themselves available to fit your needs. Every week and every call will have an agenda, so that your time is spent on the most high-impact activities.
Speak With A Coach
Refine USMLE Step 1 prep plan if needed

Refine USMLE Step 1 prep plan if needed

Your tutor will monitor your progress on a weekly basis and recommend changes to your study plan as needed. We don’t want you to spend time on a topic or concept that you’ve already mastered. At the same time, we might need to spend more time on certain topics where you feel less confident. We make sure our plans are always customized to your needs.
Speak With A Coach
You’re ready to ace the USMLE Step 1!

You’re ready to ace the USMLE Step 1!

After extensive one-on-one sessions, targeted feedback, and practice tests, you are ready to take the USMLE. We guarantee that our process will get you a better score. If fact, if it doesn’t, we’ll give you your money back.
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Speak with USMLE expert

Meet Our Expert Tutors Who Make USMLE Step 1 Prep A Piece Of Cake

Our 99th percentile tutors are experienced, intelligent, and passionate about your success
Ayush P.
Ayush P.
Harvard Medical School
View Profile
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Jonathan D.

Jonathan Dworak has been tutoring for The Princeton Review for 17 years. He finds that being able to work one-on-one with students is the best situation to which an educator can aspire—and further, that having a personal connection to so many interesting and engaged students makes the process of working together to master a subject a fulfilling one. Jonathan tutors students of all ages, and his expertise allows him to serve as a “master trainer” of tutors aspiring to teach.

Kenneth B.

As a tutor with The Princeton Review, Kenneth Brenner most enjoys figuring out what makes each student tick—and then creating a study environment that’s instantly conducive to learning. A passionate educator, Kenneth has taught across the age spectrum, from sixth-graders to grad-level students. His students have been accepted to Ivy League colleges and other prestigious universities and programs.

Dr. Robert F.

A tutor for over 15 years, Dr. Robert Fong’s greatest educational fulfillment lies in emphasizing conceptual learning over rote memorization: He has perfected this approach to bring speedy and efficient improvement to all his students. Robert is a master tutor in all MCAT sciences and has contributed to work on The Princeton Review’s research and development team. With an undergraduate degree from New York University, Robert completed his PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology at The University of Chicago, where he serves on the faculty in the department of anesthesia and critical care. He is a board-certified anesthesiologist.

Aaron L.

Toronto-based tutor Aaron Lindh finds inspiration the moment a student “gets it”—when all the hard work pays off and a concept that was formerly impossible becomes easy. He approaches each tutorial by identifying the strengths, abilities, and learning style of each student, and works to develop confidence accordingly. He’s responsible for training and certifying new teachers and tutors, developing new teaching programs, and training new Princeton Review trainers in North America—and abroad.

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Jonathan D.

Jonathan Dworak has been tutoring for The Princeton Review for 17 years. He finds that being able to work one-on-one with students is the best situation to which an educator can aspire—and further, that having a personal connection to so many interesting and engaged students makes the process of working together to master a subject a fulfilling one. Jonathan tutors students of all ages, and his expertise allows him to serve as a “master trainer” of tutors aspiring to teach.

Kenneth B.

As a tutor with The Princeton Review, Kenneth Brenner most enjoys figuring out what makes each student tick—and then creating a study environment that’s instantly conducive to learning. A passionate educator, Kenneth has taught across the age spectrum, from sixth-graders to grad-level students. His students have been accepted to Ivy League colleges and other prestigious universities and programs.

Dr. Robert F.

A tutor for over 15 years, Dr. Robert Fong’s greatest educational fulfillment lies in emphasizing conceptual learning over rote memorization: He has perfected this approach to bring speedy and efficient improvement to all his students. Robert is a master tutor in all MCAT sciences and has contributed to work on The Princeton Review’s research and development team. With an undergraduate degree from New York University, Robert completed his PhD in biochemistry and molecular biology at The University of Chicago, where he serves on the faculty in the department of anesthesia and critical care. He is a board-certified anesthesiologist.

Aaron L.

Toronto-based tutor Aaron Lindh finds inspiration the moment a student “gets it”—when all the hard work pays off and a concept that was formerly impossible becomes easy. He approaches each tutorial by identifying the strengths, abilities, and learning style of each student, and works to develop confidence accordingly. He’s responsible for training and certifying new teachers and tutors, developing new teaching programs, and training new Princeton Review trainers in North America—and abroad.

Our comprehensive private USMLE Step 1 tutoring services

Scroll left/right < > to see full info

10 Hours

25 Hours

40 Hours

Expert USMLE Tutor with Extensive Experience
Dedicated Student Success Manager
Time Management Tutoring
Recording of every session
Written Feedback after every session
Study Schedule Creation
Bonus Hour of Residency Advising with a Residency Advisor ($375 value)

10 Hours

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Expert USMLE Tutor with Extensive Experience
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Dedicated Student Success Manager
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Dedicated Student Success Manager
image of check marked
Recording of every session
image of check marked
Written Feedback after every session
Study Schedule Creation
Bonus Hour of Residency Advising with a Residency Advisor ($375 value)




25 Hours

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Expert USMLE Tutor with Extensive Experience
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Dedicated Student Success Manager
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Dedicated Student Success Manager
image of check marked
Recording of every session
image of check marked
Written Feedback after every session
image of check marked
Study Schedule Creation
Bonus Hour of Residency Advising with a Residency Advisor ($375 value)




40 Hours

image of check marked
Expert USMLE Tutor with Extensive Experience
image of check marked
Dedicated Student Success Manager
image of check marked
Dedicated Student Success Manager
image of check marked
Recording of every session
image of check marked
Written Feedback after every session
image of check marked
Study Schedule Creation
image of check marked
Bonus Hour of Residency Advising with a Residency Advisor ($375 value)




Our programs as of [Month Year]

Successful applicants choose Inspira

Our only goal is to get you accepted
USMLE Step 1 takers increased score
Percentile Tutors
point increase on average for 45+ hours of tutoring
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How do I know if I’m a good candidate for USMLE Step 1 tutoring?

Our personalized USMLE Step 1 tutoring service is an excellent option for students who prefer private, targeted prep. One-on-one USMLE Step 1 tutoring helps you focus on rectifying weaknesses, whether you struggle with particular question types or test-taking skills like time management.

Some candidates may prefer using just private USMLE tutoring, whereas others may review with a mix of methods, such as online courses or independent study. Schedule a call with us to determine what works best for you.

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Can I request a particular tutor?

Yes, you can definitely inform us if you’d love to work with a specific tutor. However, since most of our tutors can be booked months in advance, it’s difficult for us to guarantee that we’ll pair you with them.

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How do you select a tutor for me?

We use your diagnostic results to pinpoint where you need the most help and select a tutor whose expertise matches your needs. Some tutors are experts in test-taking strategies, whereas others may be particularly adept at navigating USMLE question types. Your experienced tutor will understand your needs and how to help you reach your goals.

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What’s covered in my USMLE Step 1 program? How many tutoring hours do I need?

What gets covered in our USMLE Step 1 tutoring service depends on what you need the most help with and how you plan to use it (if it’s your sole prep method or if you plan to supplement your learning with other methods).

Our programs are personalized to cater to your needs. Whether you need help with time management, test-taking skills, or content, our experts are here to help. Set up a call with us to talk about what might work best for you.

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When and where does the tutoring take place?

Our private tutoring sessions are online. You and your tutor will determine the best times for you to meet. Most students meet their tutors once weekly, but the frequency of your meetings may pick up depending on where you are in the review process. We like to give you enough time between tutoring sessions to absorb what you learned and complete any assignments.

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How do I begin my USMLE Step 1 private tutoring journey?

We would love to learn more about you and your background, needs, goals, and more. Set up a call with us to learn more about how we can help you.


Wondering how else we can help?

We provide support across the entire application lifecycle.

Complete end-to-end application support

Support for every aspect of your application, including program-selection, ERAS, personal statement, interview prep, and much more.

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