Which Medical School Is Right For Me? (Quiz)

image of nursing advising your dream school

Which Medical Schools Should I Apply To?

The United States is home to over 150 allopathic medical schools. As such, deciding which med schools are right for you can be daunting. 

That’s why Inspira Advantage created the Med School Selection Quiz, a free 5-minute quiz that simplifies the med school search process.

How Does Your Quiz Calculate Which Medical Schools Are Right For Me?

Our med school finder quiz uses a complex algorithm to assess which programs are right for you. It asks tailored questions to determine which school best meets your values and preferences. Some of the factors we use to calculate your best-fit med schools include:

  • Med schools’ admissions data
  • Your favorite season
  • Where you want to study
  • What your undergraduate major is
  • Your achieved or predicted college GPA
  • Your achieved or predicted MCAT score
  • The medical specialties you’re most interested in

Find the Best Medical School For You With Inspira Advantage

Our quick and easy quiz only takes five minutes to complete; that’s less time than it takes to make a cup of tea! We use up-to-date admissions data to provide you with a list of med schools to help you decide which schools you should apply to. If you’re looking for additional support on your med school journey, Inspira's seasoned admissions team is here to help! From creating customized med school lists to crafting the perfect applications, they’ve got you covered every step of the way!

Wondering How We Can Help You?

Med School Application Support

Our start-to-finish medical application consulting is meant to supercharge your ability to get accepted at the country’s most competitive medical schools.

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Early Candidacy Prep

Through our pre-health advising, we help you pick the right courses, plan MCAT prep, participate in the right extracurriculars, and get the right clinical experience you need for med school applications.

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