How We Helped:
How We Helped:
Angela is a great tutor for the MCAT exam. She helped me make the strategy for the exam, supplied practice questions and exams, gave critical reviews, and answered all my questions. Worth recommending to all med school aspirants.
Inspira has the best tutoring program. They were really flexible and attended to my individual needs. Modifying the tutoring program was a piece of cake. Full-length practice questions helped me improve my score week by week. Would recommend them further.
Crisp and clear reviews. Positive but critical feedback on my mistakes helped me improve session by session.
One of the biggest questions for me was how someone could give a guarantee to improve my score. But still, I took Inspira based on a friend's recommendation. I enjoyed my sessions with my tutor Jay. Not only the tutor but the material provided by them was really fantastic, and then I understood how seriously the tutors and the whole company take this guarantee of improving the score. Blessed to be recommended to Inspira and would further recommend it to my friends.
Inspira supported my MCAT preparations with two tutors, one for the sciences and analytical section and another one for the behavior foundations. They both were experts in their domains and helped improve me score. I was able to score 13 points higher than my diagnostic exams.
Jacob has mastered the art of creative ways to teach every topic to you. He is always well prepared for our sessions and gave such great tips to help solve the questions. If you follow the tutors and practice the material, you will definitely increase your score.
Yes, you and your teacher will decide the best time to take the MCAT based on your preferences, when you plan to apply to medical school, how many prep classes you’re enrolled in, and your progress.
Our MCAT prep courses include abundant resources, including a personalized class calendar, assignments, five full-length MCAT practice tests, AAMC online resources, 1,000+ MCAT practice questions, 400+ video walkthroughs, and a free session with a physician advisor.
We’ve helped students boost their MCAT scores by as high as 32 points—thousands of others have boosted their scores by 15 points on average.
Students can sign up for 1:1 a la carte online MCAT tutoring classes instead of full preparation courses. Please indicate your interest in a la carte classes when you speak with a member of our team!
You will be partnered with an MCAT teacher within 24 hours after your free consultation to start your prep course as soon as possible.
Each class lasts approximately 60 minutes to ensure students have enough time to learn, retain, and practice with key MCAT concepts.
Our MCAT experts have decades of cumulative teaching experience. They are 523+ MCAT scorers passionate about guiding students toward stellar scores—they’ve helped thousands pave the way to medical school.
Every student who enrolls in our MCAT preparation classes receives an AI-based course plan tailored to their needs, improvement areas, and preferences. Our teachers provide step-by-step walkthroughs of key MCAT questions and content students struggle with the most. Our approach gets results—students raise their MCAT score by 15+ points on average.