Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

We Helped Heidi Make Program Selection and Building a ROL Easier

Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center
Heidi felt overwhelmed by choice and approached us to help her select programs, refine her ERAS application, and build a rank order list (ROL) she could feel confident submitting.
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Applicant Persona







Heidi approached us with not many constraints on the type of residency program she’d love to match with. Researching residencies seemed to make her feel more lost in choice, and she was struggling with how to apply to and rank two specialties: pediatrics and emergency medicine. 

Many med school students struggle to pick residencies they think they would be happy to attend for the duration of their training; this can be additionally challenging when applying to multiple specialties. Although ROLs come later in the application cycle, building your list is one of the most crucial parts of applying to residencies; it requires careful consideration!

How Did Inspira Advantage Help?

After pairing Heidi with her best-fit residency application consultant, they discussed her needs, concerns, and aspirations. We learned that Heidi was leaning toward pediatrics as opposed to emergency medicine but wanted to see how she’d rank them after interviewing with multiple programs. 

We helped Heidi articulate what was most important to her in a residency program and used these parameters to suggest a list of best-fit programs we believed matched what she was looking for. After finalizing her program list, we helped her write different iterations of her personal statement that would be appropriate to send to both emergency medicine and pediatric residency programs. 

After interviewing with 15 programs, we helped Heidi sift through her interview notes and determine a ROL that matched her preferences. She ended up matching with her first-choice pediatric program! 


Heidi matched with her first-choice pediatric residency at the Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center!

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