Will I Get Into Medical School? - Chances of Getting Accepted

February 11, 2025
5 min read


Reviewed by:

Akhil Katakam

Third-Year Medical Student, Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University

Reviewed: 7/12/24

Wondering if you will get into med school? Read on to learn more about your chances and how you can improve them! 

While you’re looking over your application materials, you may be wondering, “what are my chances of getting into medical school?” There are many contributing factors to your acceptance, but we may be able to provide some answers.

According to the AAMC, 41.9% of all med school applicants get accepted, which can be intimidating. If you’re wondering how to tell if your profile is strong enough to beat the odds, we’ve got you covered. We’ll outline the most important factors for getting into med school and how to improve your chances. Let’s get started!

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What Are My Chances of Getting Into Medical School?

Medical schools are often very competitive and have high standards for admission--less than 50% of applicants are admitted each year. You’ll need to create a stellar application to increase your chances of getting in. 

Your application has to tick many boxes to ensure you stand out amid a sea of medical school candidates. We’ll review what you need to get into med school and stand out from other candidates. 

Academic Performance (GPA)

Many medical schools have a minimum GPA requirement, although what’s considered competitive varies by institution. Looking at your target schools’ median GPAs can help you compare yourself to admitted students. 

Medical school applicants with a GPA of 3.79 or higher enjoy a 60.9% acceptance rate, regardless of MCAT scores or other factors. In contrast, applicants with a GPA in the 3.6 to 3.79 range have a 41.9% acceptance rate. This chart shows how your GPA increases your chances of acceptance: 

GPA Range Acceptance Rate
3.79 or higher 60.9%
3.60 - 3.79 41.9%
3.40 - 3.59 30.0%
3.20 - 3.39 22.8%
3.00 - 3.19 16.9%
2.80 - 2.99 12.4%
2.60 - 2.79 8.7%
2.40 - 2.59 5.1%
2.20 - 2.39 4.0%
2.00 - 2.19 2.6%
Lower than 2.00 0.9%

Source: AAMC

While your overall GPA should be competitive, your BCPM GPA is also important for medical schools as the most accurate indicator of how you’ll fare in the program. 

MCAT Score

Although some medical schools have no minimum MCAT score, most expect a 511 (the median MCAT score in the U.S.) or higher. That said, more competitive schools will have a higher median MCAT score and higher expectations of incoming applicants. 

This chart shows the acceptance rate of students based on MCAT scores (without considering GPA): 

MCAT Score Acceptance Rate
Greater than 517 78.1%
514 - 517 68.0%
510 - 513 57.1%
506 - 509 41.7%
502-505 31.9%
498 - 501 20.9%
494 - 497 11.6%
490 - 493 3.6%
486 - 489 1.3%
Lower than 486 0.7%

Source: AAMC

Check your target school’s median score to understand how competitive your score is.

Personal Statement

Your personal statement gives your target medical schools insight into who you are. Of course, numbers are essential, but an excellent personal statement can help differentiate you from other candidates with similar competitive grades.

Volunteerism & Extracurriculars (CV)

The amount and types of volunteerism and extracurriculars on your pre-med resume can impact your chances of medical school acceptance. This information expresses who you are as an applicant, similar to your personal statement. 

If you’ve volunteered at clinics, demonstrated team leadership outside school, or had other relevant experiences, your applicant profile has a better chance of standing out. 

Demonstrating passion outside school and seeking healthcare-related experiences (especially long-term commitments) can help you stand out from applicants with little volunteerism or extracurriculars on their applications or many superficial experiences.

Medical School Interview

A great medical school interview and thank-you note can undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on an admissions officer. Whether your interview is online or in person, it’s crucial not to undervalue this step. 

Be sure to prepare for your interview by doing plenty of research on the school, mock interviews, and writing out your answers to practice questions. Plenty of practice can reduce anxiety and help you become confident and well-prepared.

Letters of Recommendation

Strong letters of recommendation speak to your character and provide a third-party perspective on your candidacy. Your recommendations alone won’t be enough to win over the admissions committee, but they can tip the scale when you’re up against other candidates with similar grades and experiences. 

Secondary Essays

While some medical schools send out secondary essays to every applicant, some only send out these prompts to candidates who’ve made it through the first screening process –if that’s the case, congratulations! You’re already on your way to medical school acceptance.

Think of your secondary essays as an extension of your personal statement. You can elaborate on personal stories and your motivations behind applying to medical school. Ensure you focus on how you’ll be a unique addition to your target school’s community. 

Make sure to write from the heart and retain your writer’s voice. Your essays are an excellent opportunity for you to stand out from other applicants by bringing your individuality to the table.

Need help writing your secondary essays? Take a look at our Med School Secondary Essay Examples where we offer 25 examples of successful med school secondary essays. 

Factors to Consider When Applying to Med School 

If “Will I get into med school?” is replaying in your head, let us set the record straight. Approximately 42% of medical school applicants are accepted into medical schools annually, and there are several factors that can help your application stand out. Let’s take a look. 

1. Academic Performance

Starting with academic performance, it’s crucial to note that a lower GPA can be offset by a higher MCAT score and vice versa. Most medical schools employ a holistic review process, but your GPA and MCAT scores indicate your medical school readiness. High academic achievement increases your chances of admission. 

2. Written Materials

Regarding application materials, your personal statement and secondary essays are your best opportunities to further differentiate yourself and show why you’re the ultimate candidate. Spending adequate time weaving masterful narratives boosts your chances. 

3. Recommendations

A reference from a respected, reliable source can add significant value to your application. If a professor or clinical supervisor is willing to vouch for your skills and abilities, medical schools will take it seriously. Be sure to build strong relationships with your professors in order to secure excellent recommendations. 

4. Clinical Experience

Finally, your experiences can showcase your dedication to medicine and show you’ve tested your motivation to become a physician. Clinical experiences, physician shadowing, medical research, and volunteerism demonstrate your personality, skills, and strong character. 

5. Interviews

Reaching the interview stage is exciting, but remember not to get caught up in it. You will still need to make a strong impression in your interview in order to stand out. Be sure to prepare well, and let the admissions committee see your personality and passion for medicine. 

Although ascertaining your chances of acceptance can be challenging, Inspira Advantage’s Med School Chance Predictor can help you gauge your chances! Try out our quiz below to get an idea of how likely you are to be admitted. 

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How to Improve Your Chance of Medical School Admission

If you’ve got all your application materials together but don’t feel confident, there are ways to improve your chances of admission. Let’s review some tips on getting into med school. 

Demonstrate Passion

When appropriate, explain what led you to medicine and why you’re passionate about it. Your personal statement and essays are great places to demonstrate your passion for the program and medicine, which should also be reflected in your GPA, extracurriculars, and volunteerism. 

Jumping at any opportunity to further your medical knowledge (like participating in research projects) shows schools you’re motivated and willing to go the extra mile. 

Know Your Program

Doing program-specific research shows admissions committees you don’t just want to go to any medical school; you’re passionate about this school. Knowing your target school’s clubs, programs, and student opportunities shows you’re a serious candidate. You can demonstrate your knowledge in your interviews and essays.

Apply to More Schools

If you have the means, apply to as many medical schools as possible. However, you should still have a genuine interest in going to each one of them! We recommend applying to 15-20 medical schools in one application cycle to heighten your chances of acceptance.

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FAQs: Will I Get Into Medical School? 

We’ll review some of the most frequently asked questions concerning your chances of acceptance.

1. What Classes Do I Need to Get Into Medical School?

Most medical school prerequisites include Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics, and English. Some med schools have a long list of prerequisite courses, so it’s best to check your target school’s specific admission requirements.

2. When Will I Get Accepted Into Medical School?

After your interview, it can take anywhere from four weeks to several months before you hear back from medical schools. Not hearing from a medical school right away is no cause for concern; you may just have to wait a while longer.

3. Where Will I Get Into Medical School?

You may have a better chance of getting into medical schools in your state. The likelihood of getting into an in-state medical school is often higher than an out-of-state or international one.

4. What GPA Do I Need for Medical School?

A competitive GPA for medical school would be 3.79 or higher, but you can offset an average or lower GPA with higher MCAT scores.

5. What Is a Competitive MCAT Score for Medical School?

An MCAT score of 511 or higher is considered competitive for most medical schools. For prestigious schools such as Harvard, you may want to aim for a score closer to 518.

6. Is 3.7 a Good GPA for Med School? 

A 3.7 GPA is good for medical school; all applicants in this GPA range have around a 40% acceptance rate. 

7. What Is the Probability of Getting Into Med School? 

Your overall chance of getting into med school is 41.2%. However, your application’s strength and MCAT/GPA scores can improve your chances! 

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Final Thoughts

It’s difficult to ascertain whether you’ll be accepted into medical school, but there are ways to improve your chances. Ensure to research your target school’s median GPA and MCAT, take all prerequisite courses for each of your target schools, and use your application materials to showcase your fit and individuality. It might seem like a lot of steps, but you don’t have to do it all alone! Our med school admissions specialists can guide you through the process, giving you the best chance of securing an acceptance letter.

Now that you know how to get accepted into med school, you can confidently assemble your application documents. Good luck!

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