How To Prepare For MMI - 100+ Sample Questions with Answers

March 5, 2025
18 min read


Reviewed by:

Jonathan Preminger

Former Admissions Committee Member, Hofstra-Northwell School of Medicine

Reviewed: 4/25/24

Preparing for a multiple mini interview (MMI)? Read on for tips on how to prepare and practice MMI questions. 

Although MMI interviews may seem daunting, with proper prep, there’s no need to worry. Both doctors and vets go through the process during their medical/vet school application process. 

Keep in mind that if you’ve made it to the interview stage, schools are hoping you’ll succeed and become a positive addition to their community and contribute as a future alum. 

It’s time to prove them right, so read on to learn how to prepare for MMI interview.‍‍ Read on to learn more about the MMI format, tips to succeed, and sample questions! ‍‍

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MMI Interview Format 

How to prepare for the MMI

If you’re wondering what the MMI is, well, this interview format was created by McMaster University in Canada in 2002. McMaster University describes the MMI’s purpose as “to collect information concerning the personal qualities of those applicants selected for an interview.” 

It has been modeled from the Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) commonly used by Health Sciences Programs. The AMCAS accepts it as more psychometrically sound than previous med school interview methods.

The MMI assesses three things: 

1. Your communication skills

2. Your ability to apply general knowledge

3. Your suitability to your intended profession 

The MMI interview format was designed to allow schools to comprehensively assess applicants; a full overview of your soft skills, professionalism, values, personality, credentials, background, and goals. The MMI is comparable to the CASPer Test.

The MMI also measures your competency in skills like oral communication, social and non-verbal skills, and teamwork, among others. These factors indicate how well you’ll interact with future patients and colleagues. The MMI aims to assess abilities not clearly identifiable through your application. 

Why Do Schools Use the MMI Format?

With increased interactions, this format helps limit bias within the interview process. The opinions of one interviewer aren’t over-emphasized, giving you a better shot at a fair and unbiased assessment. Medical schools receive a well-rounded impression of an applicant than with a singular interview. 

At the same time, you can connect with multiple members of your future community. You can look at the MMI format as both an opportunity to let yourself shine professionally and a space to create positive first impressions and early networking.

Glen T. Fogerty, Ph.D., the Associate Dean of Admissions & Recruitment at the University of Arizona College of Medicine-Phoenix, states: “We appreciate the process is grounded in theory, supported through research, and has continually allowed us to support our goal of having true community involvement in our admission decisions.”

After completing your secondary applications, you’ll hopefully begin receiving interview invitations between October and January. Gabriel Garcia, MD, Associate Dean for MD Admissions at Stanford University, states:

    How You’ll Be Scored

    Below is an example of a scorecard for the MMI as designed by McMaster University.

    Sample MMI Score sheet

    Applicants are scored based on communication skills, the strength of arguments expressed, and suitability for the medical profession. A score of 10 is ideal. A score of 1 = unsuitable for the medical profession.

    Stand out in your MMI with med school interview coaching. Get personalized feedback, proven strategies, and expert guidance to confidently tackle any scenario and impress admissions committees.

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    10 Tips to Help You Prepare for the MMI 

    To prepare for MMI interviews, you should have a strong grasp of the medical profession. We’ll outline ten tips to help you prepare for the interviews!

    Infographic outlining the steps of preparing for the MMI

    1. Consider Aspects of Your Application When Preparing

    Harvard University encourages applicants to think outside of the research box when they do their MMI preparation for medical school. Suggestions include the following:

    • Be nice, pleasant, and prompt.
    • Be prepared, but do not “over-rehearse.”
    • Expect the unexpected.
    • Be positive and upbeat.
    • Take student interviewers seriously.
    • Give direct, thorough answers.

    Consider aspects of your resume or background that may cause your interviewer to pause. Do you receive a poor grade in your sophomore year? Has any school taken disciplinary action against you? Make sure to have an explanation ready for anything your interviewer may bring up. 

    Aditya, a radiology resident at Mayo Clinic and a seasoned admissions coach, stresses how crucial it is to consider how the other parts of your application fared:

      2. Research the School 

      Now is the time to refresh yourself on the big picture of “WHY” this school? This is an essential part of your ​​multiple mini interview prep. Ensure you’ve researched the medical school’s website, including the mission statement. In which ways do your views and values align with the school’s? 

      You should also be well-versed in current affairs relevant to the medical field. For example, stay up-to-date with JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association). You should also be knowledgeable in world issues and general politics. 

      According to Aditya, this research can make your answers stand out:

        Elle, an MD candidate at Duke, adds:

          Your interviewer will likely ask you to elaborate or share your views, so ensure you have a fully informed opinion!

          Be prepared to authentically express the ways you hope to see your education in medicine benefit and better society. 

          3. Understand the MMI Format

          Although the format may vary by school, you can expect a series of short stations based on a specific prompt or question.

          Here’s how Aditya explains them:

            Each station is timed and typically lasts between five and eight minutes. When the time at each station is up, a buzzer will sound, indicating you must move on to the next station. 

            Before entering each station, you’ll have two minutes to consider the prompt and prepare your thoughts. Vanderbilt University suggests applicants should “time simulations and experience how quickly, or slowly, does six to eight minutes pass,” to help develop their sense of time management. 

            Prompts vary from topics of conversation, quotes, scenarios, and roleplay. The entire process should take nearly two hours. 

            4. Check Your Technology, If Needed

            Some schools have transitioned to a fully virtual interview process using Zoom or Google Meet. Familiarize yourself with the school’s policy before your interview to avoid technical difficulties or confusion. 

            McMaster University also provides public access to the standard principles of the interview process. You can review this online in the Manual for Interviewers

            Chiamaka, a former admissions officer at Dartmouth and current MD student at Duke, offers one approach many students are taking:

              5. Familiarize Yourself With Various Topics and Types of Interview Questions

              Your interviewers want to know if you’re ready to study medicine. This is assessed, in part, by observing your communication skills. 

              Unfortunately, you won’t know the questions until you arrive at your interview, and you may be in for a surprise, as Aditya explains:

                Unfortunately, you won’t know the questions word for word until you arrive at your interview. But you can prepare by reviewing MMI practice questions and familiarizing yourself with the various topics and types of interview questions. Your interview questions can cover a wide range of topics, from personal questions to ethical dilemmas

                Some topics, themes, and scenarios to potentially expect in the MMI prompts:

                Station Type Description
                Critical Thinking During your MMI, you’ll be required to demonstrate analytical and critical thinking skills.
                You may experience a policy-related question or a statement regarding a controversial topic.
                Current Events Questions These questions are designed to test your knowledge of current events in the medical field.
                Additionally, they assess your ability to apply general knowledge to current events in society and culture and your clarity of communication.
                Acting Scenarios During acting stations, you’ll be assigned a role and will be expected to interact with a hired actor, also playing a role.
                Admissions committees will assess your ability to communicate in your future professional role.
                Values and Ethics Scenarios You may encounter questions on social policy implications or ethical dilemmas.
                Answer these questions with non-judgemental responses, considering the impact of your decisions on everyone involved.
                Teamwork Activities This may include working with other applicants, either in person or virtually, in
                teamwork-oriented tasks while the interviewer observes your ability to collaborate effectively.

                Chiamaka also says interviewers like to throw some curveballs! 

                  6. Practice With Sample Questions

                  An excellent way to prepare for multiple mini interviews is to practice using the sample questions from McMaster University’s Interviewer Manual. 

                  Here, you’ll find MMI resources and sample questions related to the following topics: ethical decision-making, communication (with an actor), task-oriented collaboration, and personal interview. 

                  Other top medical schools offer lists of practice MMI questions: 

                  Practice questions can help you build confidence for the real thing! Use our Medical MMI Interview Practice Questions Simulator for access to free MMI practice questions and responses.

                  7. Get Expert Feedback

                  After looking at sample questions and scenarios you may encounter in the MMI, it’s a good idea to practice with an expert. Expert interview prep with med school admissions experts can provide the knowledgeable feedback needed to boost your performance and guide your MMI interview prep plan. 

                  But don’t just take our word for it, see how we’ve helped real students like you excel on their MMIs:

                  The whole process of applying to medical school is exhausting. I needed a mentor who cared about my applications just like me. I found my mentor, Neil, who helped me gain more confidence and excel at MMI interviews. Great material and an awesome mentor!

                  messege icon
                  Samuel, accepted at University of Colorado School of Medicine

                  Praruj explained in great detail what were the things lacking in my application. His explanations were great, concise and helped me to improve a lot. His approach during interview sessions was specifically targeted to improve my responses during MMI. He simulated a real interview scenario by using multiple questions in succession and then provided critical feedback on my answers. I felt well prepared for my interviews, and now I have been accepted to 2 medical schools.

                  messege icon
                  Monica, accpeted at Arkansas College of Osteopathic Medicine

                  The insights my mentor gave helped me bring my application to the next level. Rahul's expertise helped me improve a lot at MMI interviewing. He shot rapid questions at me during our mock sessions and pinpointed where I needed improvement. I would definitely recommend him to the other applicants.

                  messege icon

                  The University of Houston’s (UH) Pre-Health Advising Center encourages students to participate in mock interviews to practice, work on body language, and receive actionable feedback. UH states that “The best preparation for an interview is participation in a mock interview!” 

                  Chiamaka agrees, stating mock interviews are key to good interview prep:

                    Preparing for MMI medical questions isn’t easy, but remember, you don’t have to navigate preparation alone! 

                    8. Mind Your Body Language 

                    A common mistake in interviews is showing how nervous you are. Avoid fidgeting and speaking in circles, and make friendly eye contact with your interviewer and smile when appropriate. 

                    Don’t forget about posture. This will all be part of nonverbal communication. The best way to avoid freezing up during the MMI is to be well-prepared. Practicing in front of a mirror or recording yourself can show whether your body language is open and relaxed or nervous and closed off. 

                    Here are some other things Chiamaka says to consider as well:

                      9. Ensure You Fully Understand Prompts 

                      Have you ever jumped into a conversation not fully understanding the topic, only to realize halfway through your sentence that you’re talking about something different? 

                      That may be something to laugh about at a party, but at the MMI, be sure you FULLY understand the topic prompts for each section. You can take a few extra seconds to reread it if necessary. If you don’t understand, you can always ask the interviewer to clarify. It’s okay to ask questions

                      Remember, prompts may be vague but aren’t trying to trick you. The goal is to showcase your analytical and communication skills. Worry less about coming up with the “right” answer and more about practicing strategies for giving the interviewer a full understanding of your communication abilities. 

                      Aditya emphasizes that you should also know when it’s appropriate to draw on your  personal experiences:

                        10. Don’t Forget to Mind Your Manners (Even During Practice) 

                        A good impression goes beyond a friendly smile and the right attire. When you leave each interview, remember to politely thank your interviewer and say goodbye. You may also wish to follow up with a thank you note after the meeting. However, the most important thing to leave behind is a positive impression.

                        However, as Elle argues, the most important thing to leave behind is a positive impression and to stay calm:

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                          How Do I Prepare for a Virtual MMI? 

                          Preparing for an interview can be stressful. Especially if it’s being conducted virtually. Here are some tips to help you prepare for a virtual MMI. 

                          Practice Using the Platform

                          Medical schools typically use a few key online video communication tools for interviews, such as Microsoft Teams, Skype for Business, Zoom, and Blackboard. When you receive an interview invitation, make sure to determine which platform the school is using. If you don't already have the required software, be prepared to download and install it on your device for the online MMI.

                          Some medical schools may offer briefing sessions, training, or platform familiarization before the MMI date. It's crucial to attend these if they are available, as they can help you feel more comfortable in the virtual environment.

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                          MMI Challenges and Tips for Overcoming Them

                          We’re here to guide you through this process by ensuring you’re ready for even the most unexpected situations. Here are a few things that can get in the way of reaching your full potential and acing the MMI. 

                          Knowing What to Expect

                          While you can’t know the exact wording of questions before the MMI, you can still invest time in your MMI prep for medical school. Using guides provided by the university or an expert admissions consultant, you can prepare and understand the format of the questions and topics likely to be addressed.

                          Time Limits

                          Many people struggle with timed tests. Timed exams often cause students stress and anxiety that can affect their ability to accurately portray their abilities. 

                          If timed tests aren’t your strength, the best thing you can do is get a good night’s sleep. Don’t leave prep until the night before the MMI test. Deep breathing exercises before and during the test can also greatly reduce anxiety. 

                          During your prep, practice answering interview questions while using a timer. This can be done while practicing with mock interviews. Have someone else hold the timer so you’re not distracted by the ticking clock. This prep helps you become accustomed to speaking concisely on a specific topic for a precise amount of time. 

                          Lastly, think of developing these skills of working under pressure as prep for the biggest test of all — your career in medicine.

                          Follow-Up Questions

                          You’ll be required to speak on the topic at length, and the interviewer may ask you to elaborate on specific points. This may be a challenge for some to think on the spot. Follow-up questions require you to expand or elaborate on the interview section prompt question. 

                          Think of follow-up questions as standard interview questions. Yes, you’re in the hot seat, but you’re well-prepared and knowledgeable about the topic — so there’s nothing to worry about. When the interviewer asks you to elaborate on your answers, think of this as an opportunity to clarify your points or add details to your answer. 

                          Being asked to elaborate doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to backtrack. 

                          Practice doesn’t always make perfect—but insider interview tips do.

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                          Types of MMI Questions 

                          These are the most common types of MMI questions you’ll be asked in your interview. 

                          Personal Interview

                          Medical school interviewers want to understand a candidate’s personality and interest in the medical field. So, expect questions about your: 

                          • Background 
                          • Hobbies
                          • Extracurricular activities
                          • Clinical experience
                          • Research experience 
                          • Goals and ambitions

                          Be honest with the interviewer, and you’ll breeze through these questions. 

                          Ethical Decision-Making

                          This is the most common type of interview station you’ll encounter during an MMI. Medical schools want to see you’re compassionate, empathetic, and able to view dilemmas from multiple perspectives. 

                          Acing the ethical decision-making questions requires you to outline the situation from every point of view before explaining how you would navigate the scenario. You want to demonstrate your ability to think on your feet while taking time to consider each angle before making your final decision.

                          Role Play 

                          Medical schools can include a station that requires you or an actor to roleplay as a med student or physician. Then, they may ask you to enact a scenario like delivering bad news to a patient. 

                          MMI role play scenarios gauge your bedside manner and how you communicate with others. So, don’t let the pressure get to you; take a deep breath and relax. If you buy into the scenario and fully commit yourself, you’ll be more natural in your responses. 

                          Teamwork Exercises 

                          Most MMIs will have a station that requires you and another candidate to complete a challenge. This can be difficult, as some applicants will approach these scenarios with a competitive mentality. However, this isn’t what medical schools are looking for. 

                          Medical schools set up these teamwork exercises to analyze how you work in a team. As Bilal Naved, the Co-founder and CEO of a Chicago-based consumer health platform, notes, “Admissions committees are looking for people that work well together and in teams.”

                          Policy Questions

                          These questions ask you to step into the shoes of a healthcare policy expert. You’ll need to take a stance on important issues like universal healthcare or vaccine mandates, weighing the pros and cons of complex systems.

                          It’s all about showcasing your ability to think critically, ethically, and logically in matters that impact society on a large scale. 

                          Problem-Solving Scenarios

                          Problem-solving scenarios can be tricky because there’s not usually a clear-cut solution. Maybe you’re managing a sudden patient emergency or balancing scarce resources. These scenarios test your ability to think quickly and creatively under pressure. 

                          Don’t worry—it’s less about finding the perfect answer and more about showing that you can navigate challenges with logic, resourcefulness, and calmness. 

                          Communication Scenarios

                          In these scenarios, you’ll be tasked with breaking down tough, emotional, or technical info to patients, families, or colleagues. 

                          Whether it’s delivering bad news or clarifying a medical misunderstanding, this is your opportunity to show that you can connect with others in a meaningful way, making sure that your words provide comfort, understanding, and direction.

                          Current Healthcare Questions

                          These questions are the "what’s trending" of healthcare. Expect to discuss hot topics like telemedicine, healthcare equity, or responses to public health crises. Here, you’re not only showing off your knowledge of the field but also your ability to engage with emerging trends. 

                          You’ll  need to analyze the topic thoughtfully while providing your own perspective.

                          Decision-Making Scenarios

                          These scenarios place you in ethically challenging situations with no perfect solution. You’ll need to demonstrate how you can balance your values—like patient autonomy, safety, and justice—while remaining empathetic and rational. 

                          Character Development Questions

                          This is where the spotlight turns to you. These questions dig deeper into your personal experiences—challenges you’ve overcome, lessons learned, or moments of growth. It’s not just about telling a story, but about showing self-awareness, resilience, and how these experiences have shaped who you are and hope to be.

                          Acting Scenarios

                          You’ll step into a role-playing scenario where you might be interacting with an actor pretending to be a distressed patient or concerned family member. 

                          MMI acting scenario questions tend to be difficult because they test your authentic ability to navigate these situations. It’s no longer just an interviewer asking how you’d react; you’ll actually be reacting!

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                          MMI Sample Questions and Answers

                          Knowing how to practice for the MMI is tricky, as there are many things you need to know to perform your best on interview day. We’ll review practice MMI questions and answers and provide a list you can use to direct your preparation. 

                          Five MMI Questions and Expert Answers

                          Let’s take a look at some MMI practice questions and answers

                          Example #1 - Personal Interview Question

                          Why did you apply to this school? 

                          "I am impressed by this school's commitment to excellence and its stellar reputation in the medical community. I have a lot of respect for the school's faculty, and I am particularly interested in learning from Professor Smith. I think earning my medical degree from this institution will provide me with the skills I need to be an effective doctor and give me a head start in my career.” 
                          How to Approach This Question

                          The key to answering this type of question is research; determine the unique aspects of your desired medical school that set it apart from others. You might mention specific professors, classes, values, or research you’re interested in. Use these details in your response to convey your desire to attend that institution. 

                          Why This Answer Works

                          This response does just this. It is concise, detailed, and shows why the applicant wants to attend the medical school in question, making specific mention of a professor they’d like to learn from.

                          Example #2 - Ethical Question

                          What would you say to a family member if they requested you to share a patient’s private information?

                          “If sharing the information they are asking for would violate the doctor/patient confidentiality agreement, I would politely tell them that I am not at liberty to discuss that topic in detail. If they are upset or confused, I would explain the nature of patient confidentiality and I would offer them any non-confidential information that I have concerning the patient.”
                          How to Approach This Question

                          This question is designed to test your understanding of medical ethics and policies. There are three key points you want to touch on: 

                          • Address the Issue: You should be able to immediately pick up on the ethics in question and address it in your answer
                          • Show Empathy: Considering it is a difficult situation, you still want to show empathy towards the family member 
                          • Educate: You’ll want to offer a clear explanation of the rules and provide any non-sensitive information that can help
                          Why This Answer Works

                          This response shows the interviewee is aware of the basic principles of patient confidentiality, is still compassionate towards the family member, and knows how to explain the rules appropriately.

                          Example #3 - Current Healthcare Question

                          What is your most pressing concern about the U.S. healthcare system? 

                          "I believe one of the most pressing issues with the U.S. healthcare system is the lack of trained medical professionals serving underserved, rural populations. These communities don’t have the same access to care many would in larger cities, and accessible care could decrease deaths from treatable conditions while improving the community’s overall health and quality of life. I grew up in a rural town where I saw many neighbors and friends suffer from a lack of accessible care, and believe physicians and medical professionals must prioritize providing care to rural/underserved communities to strengthen public health.” 
                          How to Approach This Question

                          This question is designed to assess an applicant’s knowledge of the healthcare system, their values, and their goals. Here are some tips to keep in mind when answering these:

                          • Do Your Research: Research current healthcare topics before your MMI. That way, you’re prepared to answer questions like this with depth and won’t get caught off guard
                          • Show Your Knowledge: Show off what you know on the topic, as much as you can without going overboard. This shows your awareness and commitment to staying informed
                          • Make a Personal Connection: Relating the issue to your own experiences makes your answer more compelling and genuine, rather than just a recital of facts
                          • Propose a Solution: After identifying the issue, explain how addressing it could lead to positive changes. This shows you’re forward-thinking and committed to making a difference
                          Why This Answer Works

                          This answer is effective because it touches on a significant healthcare issue—underserved rural communities—while linking it to personal experience.

                          The applicant’s personal connection to the issue (growing up in a rural town) makes the response authentic, and their call to action (prioritizing care for underserved populations) shows they are not only aware of the problem but also motivated to help address it.

                          Example #4 - Personal Interview Question

                          Why do you want to become a doctor? 

                          “When I was ten, I had a routine checkup with my family doctor. While I was never afraid, I didn’t enjoy them. My doctor seemed to sense my apprehension and would go out of his way to make the experience less nerve-wracking by talking about cartoons and baseball as he examined me. 
                          After a chest x-ray, my doctor detected an abnormality. Instead of not addressing it, he calmly explained what he’d found and why I would have to stay at the clinic a little longer. I was happy to be treated like an equal while he explained everything in a way I could understand. The X-ray abnormality ended up being a blemish on the film, but this positive experience stayed with me for years. 
                          Afterward, I wanted to learn more about medicine, particularly X-ray technology. I would check out books from the library and took an extra interest in science in middle and high school. 
                          I further pursued my interests by seeking shadowing experiences, volunteering at a hospice, and looking for patient care exposure wherever possible. One of my favorite activities was handing out extra blankets at night and taking the time to chat with residents about their days before bed. With every interaction, I tried to emulate the calm, understanding way my family doctor had spoken to me when I was ten. 
                          Working in hospice was rewarding, albeit sometimes sad. Accepting the passing of my patients was difficult, and I found myself depressed after the loss of a resident I had forged a deep relationship with. Despite the pressure and sadness, I was happy that I could provide warmth and comfort to patients as I fulfilled my duties. 
                          This is what solidified my decision to apply to medical school. Specifically, I see myself being a family doctor who cares for patients, actively listens, and is solution-oriented while employing empathetic communication. My commitment to improving the quality of life for others drives me to learn, grow, and take every opportunity to develop the skills needed to become an excellent physician.” 
                          How to Approach This Question

                          This is the type of question where you should provide a longer, well-thought-out answer. Being specific and descriptive will show your genuine passion. Here’s how to approach them:

                          • Avoid Cliches: Statements like “I want to help people” are vague and overused. 
                          • Go Beyond the Surface: Talk about the underlying reasons for your interest in medicine. Be clear about how and where you want to make an impact.
                          • Show Growth: Talk about your experiences and how they have shaped you and motivated you to pursue medicine. Admissions committees want to see what you’ve done to cultivate this interest—volunteering, shadowing, or other relevant experiences are critical to share here
                          Why This Answer Works

                          This response is strong because it’s detailed, personal, and paints a vivid picture of the applicant’s journey toward medicine. It avoids the common pitfall of being too vague, instead offering a personal anecdote about a childhood experience that sparked a long-term interest in medicine.

                          Example #5 - Character Development Question

                          What is your greatest weakness? 

                          I have often had trouble delegating work in the past. While it’s great to strive for excellence, I realize that collaboration is integral to working in healthcare, where it’s crucial to rely on the skills and knowledge of others. 
                          I recognized my trouble delegating during clinical rotations, where I was hesitant to allocate responsibilities. I was afraid that the tasks would not be completed to my standards, but I realized this thinking was not sustainable or supportive of a collaborative environment. 
                          Since then, I’ve sought opportunities to improve my delegation abilities by openly communicating with colleagues, physicians, and mentors. Their insight has been invaluable, and I supplemented what I learned from them with seminars on delegation techniques and frameworks. 
                          Now, I am more proficient in identifying the strengths of team members and delegating tasks that cater to them. Assigning tasks this way, I noticed that the quality of work improved while allowing me to focus wholeheartedly on tasks requiring my attention. I believe these steps I’ve taken will lead to me to better manage tasks and care for patients.” 
                          How to Approach This Question

                          Weakness questions aren’t always comfortable to answer, but they can demonstrate vulnerability and self-awareness, if answered correctly:

                          1. Choose a Real Weakness: Select a genuine weakness that you’ve faced rather than a cliché or fabricated one, like that you’re a perfectionist (no one truly believes this is a weakness)
                          2. Describe Your Growth: After identifying your weakness, focus on the proactive steps you’ve taken to address it. This demonstrates your commitment to personal development and adaptability
                          3. Highlight the Results: Talk about the specific outcomes or improvements that resulted from your efforts
                          Why This Answer Works

                          This answer is effective because it identifies a legitimate weakness—trouble with delegation—while also showing personal growth and the proactive measures taken to improve. 

                          By detailing how the applicant recognized their weakness during clinical rotations and sought mentorship and training, they illustrate their commitment to collaboration and teamwork.

                          Example #6 - Policy Question

                          What policy change do you believe would have the most significant impact on public health, and why?

                          I think that expanding telehealth services is crucial for improving public health, especially in rural and underserved areas. Many individuals in these communities face barriers to accessing healthcare, such as transportation issues or a lack of local providers. By increasing funding and support for telehealth initiatives, we can provide essential medical services to those who need them most, ensuring we can actually intervene, prevent, and treat chronic diseases and provide mental health support. As someone who has volunteered in rural clinics, I’ve seen firsthand the struggles people face when trying to receive care. Telehealth could bridge that gap and ultimately improve health outcomes."
                          How to Approach the Question

                          These questions can be tricky to come up with on the spot, so prepare for them ahead of time and structure your response this way:

                          • Identify a Specific Policy: Start by selecting a policy change that resonates with you and has clear implications for public health
                          • Provide Context: Clearly explain the issue at hand. Discuss specific barriers or challenges in the healthcare system to highlight its urgency and relevance
                          • Support with Personal Experience: Use your own experiences or observations to add depth to your argument. Sharing personal anecdotes makes your answer more relatable and demonstrates your firsthand understanding of the issue
                          Why This Answer Works

                          The answer presents a clear policy recommendation—expanding telehealth services—making it easy for the interviewer to understand their perspective. The answer shows that the student has thought critically about public health issues, has personal experience with them, and understands the need for change. 

                          Example #7 - Decision-Making Question

                          Describe a time when you had to make a difficult decision. What was the decision, and how did you reach it?

                          "During my junior year, a close friend started an initiative focused on mental health awareness on campus and invited me to join as a core team member. At the time, I was already the president of the Pre-Medical Society, involved in a research project, and managing a full course load.
                          I faced a tough decision. Joining my friend’s initiative would mean stretching my time and energy even thinner, possibly compromising my responsibilities in the society and my research. I tried to figure out a way I could realistically contribute to both the initiative and my existing roles, but ultimately decided to decline my friend’s invitation to join her club. I know that support can take many forms beyond direct involvement so I remained a strong supporter by attending their events, promoting their initiatives through my networks, and serving as a sounding board for my friend when she needed feedback. This decision allowed me to maintain my commitments while still contributing positively to a cause I cared about and helping out my friend.”
                          How to Approach This Question

                          You’ve likely had to deal with a fair share of difficult decisions as a pre-med. You can share any of these, as long as you are able to do the following:

                          • Reflect on Your Priorities: The decision you were faced with should call your priorities into question and be a real conflict that can’t be easily solved
                          • Provide Context: When answering, offer specific details about the situation to give a fuller picture of the decision-making process. Describe the competing priorities you faced and the thought process that led to your final choice
                          • Share the Outcome: Discuss the decision you made and its results, including any lessons learned. This shows your ability to reflect on experiences and grow from them.
                          Why This Answer Works

                          The answer shows a thoughtful approach to decision-making, where the individual considers their existing responsibilities and the potential impact of adding more to their plate. It reflects a mature understanding of personal limits and priorities. Knowing when to say no is an important skill as a doctor!

                          By expressing ongoing support for the friend's initiative, the answer also conveys teamwork and collaboration, essential traits in healthcare and community involvement. It shows that the candidate values relationships and is willing to contribute in ways that are manageable and helpful.

                          Example #8 - Teamwork Question

                          Describe a time when you faced a challenge while working in a group. How did you handle it?

                          "During a group project in my public health course, we were asked to develop a community health initiative. Early on, it became clear that team dynamics were a bit strained, with some members not contributing equally. It happens pretty often in group projects, but this one was a shared mark. To address this, I called a meeting to openly discuss everyone's roles and expectations. I encouraged my teammates to express their concerns and proposed a restructuring of responsibilities based on each person's strengths and interests. After making these changes, the group became more cohesive, and we successfully completed the project ahead of schedule. Our initiative received positive feedback from our professor and we all felt like we contributed equally.”
                          How to Approach the Question

                          Here’s how to answer this question:

                          • Select a Relevant Challenge: Choose a specific challenge related to teamwork that demonstrates your ability to navigate interpersonal dynamics. This could be communication issues, unequal participation, or conflicting ideas
                          • Describe Your Actions: Explain the steps you took to address the issue, highlighting your leadership, communication, and problem-solving skills. Share how you facilitated better collaboration and open dialogue
                          • Share the Positive Outcomes: Share the results of your actions and any lessons learned. This not only shows your ability to work well in a team but also reflects on your capacity for growth and improvement
                          Why This Answer Works

                          The response provides a clear, concrete example of a challenge faced during a group project, making it relatable and understandable. They show leadership by taking the initiative to address team dynamics, showcasing problem-solving and communication skills. 

                          They also share that they had a positive outcome, highlighting their ability to adapt and create mutually beneficial results in a team. It’s important that they also don’t blame one particular member but address the entire group.

                          These are some common MMI practice questions and answers, but there’s no way to know precisely what you’ll be asked in your interview. Thankfully, we have more MMI interview questions you can use to practice with!

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                          100 MMI Sample Questions

                          We’ve compiled a list of MMI interview questions to help you ace your interviews.

                          MMI Ethical Scenario Question Examples

                          First up in our MMI question bank are ethical scenarios—some of the hardest questions to answer on the spot!

                          • What’s your opinion on the cost of healthcare? 
                          • What would you do if you discovered a colleague kept a medical error a secret from a patient? 
                          • What would you do if your patient is a 15-year-old requesting an abortion? 
                          • What would you do if a patient in the emergency room wanted to leave against medical advice? 
                          • What do you think about physician-assisted medicine? 
                          • What’s your opinion on alternative medicine? 
                          • A situation arises where a 14-year-old individual approaches you, seeking birth control pills while explicitly requesting that you keep this information confidential from their parents. How would you handle this scenario?
                          • You find yourself in a situation where a close family member has made the personal decision to solely rely on alternative medicine for treating a significant illness. What course of action would you take?
                          • Imagine you are faced with the challenging decision of determining who should receive a transplant: a respected elderly member of the community who has achieved success or a 20-year-old individual struggling with drug addiction. How would you approach this choice?
                          • A patient with Down Syndrome becomes pregnant against the wishes of her mother and husband, who strongly advocate for an abortion. As a physician, how should you navigate this situation?
                          • A 12-year-old boy receives a diagnosis of a terminal illness, such as malignancy. When he asks the doctor about his prognosis, his parents request that the doctor withhold the distressing news from him. How should the doctor handle this situation?
                          • A couple planning to have a child through artificial insemination expresses a desire for sex selection of the baby. How should a physician provide guidance in this scenario?
                          • A physician becomes involved in a sexual relationship with a current patient who either initiates or consents to the relationship. Is it ethically acceptable for a physician to engage in such a relationship?
                          • A 17-year-old boy is living independently, is married, and has a child. He wishes to participate in a medical research study. Does he require parental permission?
                          • A 40-year-old patient with schizophrenia requires hernia repair. The surgeon discusses the procedure with the patient, who demonstrates understanding. Can the patient provide informed consent?
                          • As a physician at a local hospital, you observe a person with alcohol dependency regularly consuming the hand sanitizer provided at the stands throughout the facility. While they are not currently a patient at the hospital, they have been treated there multiple times in the past. This constant usage leaves little hand sanitizer available for public use. How should you address this situation? Should you consider relocating or altering the hand sanitizer stands? Should you approach the individual?
                          • An 18-year-old man is diagnosed with suspected bacterial meningitis but refuses therapy and returns to his college dormitory. What should a physician do when faced with this situation?
                          • Is it ethical for doctors to go on strike? If so, under what circumstances?
                          • A highly contagious, life-threatening disease is rapidly spreading across the country, with a survival rate below 50%. As a senior healthcare administrator, you have priority access to a newly developed vaccine. Would you choose to receive the vaccine personally or give it to someone else? Explain the reasoning behind your decision.
                          • It’s been suggested that medical school students prefer to admit students who don’t smoke. Discuss the ethical implications surrounding this preferential treatment. 
                          • A 70-year-old man has just been diagnosed with cancer and is expected to live less than six months. How do you inform him of his diagnosis? 
                          • What is your opinion on abortion? 
                          • What would you do if you saw a peer cheating on a medical school exam? 
                          • Would you exit your vehicle on a freeway to help a victim of a car accident? What would you do? 
                          • You find out the professor you conducted research with has changed some data points before publication. What do you do? 
                          • A patient diagnosed with AIDS asks you not to inform his wife. What do you do? 
                          • What are your thoughts on the death penalty? 
                          • What’s your opinion on organ donation from non-viable infants? 
                          • You suspect a fellow doctor at your workplace is struggling with alcohol addiction. You’ve seen them put a patient’s life at risk due to inattention. What do you do? 
                          • A child has been diagnosed with terminal cancer, and the family, for religious reasons, wants to only pursue alternative medicine. What do you do?
                          • Describe what ethical issues you see facing the medical community in the future due to advances in medical technology? 
                          • Do you believe doctors have a greater social responsibility to advocate and educate communities on issues such as poverty and domestic violence?

                          MMI Character Development Question Examples

                          Here are examples of character development questions.

                          • How do you picture your life in 10 years? 
                          • Why do you want to be a physician? 
                          • What experiences have you pursued to test your motivation for medicine? 
                          • What was the initial event that made you interested in medicine? 
                          • Discuss a time you had to compromise. 
                          • Tell me about a time you made a mistake. Discuss the event and the resolution. 
                          • Tell me about the most stressful situation you’ve endured. What did you do, and what was the outcome? 
                          • Discuss a time you collaborated with others on a successful project. 
                          • Tell me about yourself. 
                          • What is the main takeaway you want the admissions committee to know about you? 
                          • What is the largest challenge facing the healthcare field? 
                          • How do you plan to balance clinical work and research in the future? 
                          • Why medicine and not another healthcare career? 
                          • Tell me more about [element from your application]. 
                          • Why do you want to attend this school? 
                          • What did you love most about your college experience? 
                          • If you could change one thing about your undergraduate experience, what would it be and why? 
                          • Which medical specialty are you most interested in right now? 
                          • Why did you major in [major name]?
                          • What were your favorite non-science courses? 
                          • What do you think will be your main challenge in medical school? 
                          • What are your strengths? 
                          • What are your weaknesses? 
                          • Describe your biggest failure and how you handled it. 
                          • Please provide an example of how you work under pressure. What about your actions were you most dissatisfied with, and what did you learn? 
                          • How have you shown initiative? What did you gain from the experience? 
                          • Describe how you respond to criticism using an example. How did you react? 
                          • What would you say is the most negative aspect of being a physician? 
                          • How would your attendance positively impact the healthcare system? 
                          • How would your friends describe you? 
                          • What is the most important quality a great physician should possess? 
                          • Are you interested in medical research? 
                          • What is the reason for [this poor grade]? 
                          • What else do you want me to know about you? 
                          • Describe a situation where you felt like you didn’t belong. 
                          • Discuss a time you disagreed with someone. What was the outcome? 
                          • What are your hobbies? 
                          • How would your best friend describe you? 
                          • If you couldn’t become a doctor, what career would you pick? 
                          • How do you see the medical field changing in the next decade? How would you fit into those changes? 
                          • If you could change one thing about the U.S. healthcare system, what would it be? 
                          • Discuss your most impactful research engagement. 
                          • How do you destress? 
                          • Discuss a medical issue you’ve read about in the news recently. 
                          • What can you say about children’s rights in medicine? 
                          • What is your greatest concern regarding the environment? 
                          • Is it ever okay to break patient confidentiality? When might a time arise? 
                          • Do you believe the practice of medicine has become more impersonal due to the advances in technology? 
                          • What do you think about universal healthcare? 
                          • How could we remedy doctor shortages in rural areas? 
                          • Describe the relationship between medicine and science. 
                          • What are ways to reduce medical malpractice? 
                          • How do you feel about patients consulting the Internet for medical advice? 
                          • Compare the U.S. and Canadian healthcare systems. Which is more effective, and why? 
                          • Name three major health issues facing women today. 
                          • Describe a political issue that impacts the medical field. 

                          MMI Teamwork Question Examples

                          Here are examples of teamwork questions.

                          • Give an example of a time you worked in a team and you failed? 
                          • What are the attributes of a good team leader?
                          • What are the attributes of a good team member?  
                          • Are you a leader or a follower?
                          • Is teamwork important in Medicine? Why?
                          • How do you resolve conflict within a group?
                          • Why is it important for a team leader to be able to allocate?
                          • What Would You Do If You Were Working On A Group Project And Noticed Than One Member Of The Team Was Not Contributing?
                          • Upon entering the room, only you will be able to see a 3-D design made with Jenga blocks. Please work with your partner to recreate this design as exactly as possible. You will be given 6 minutes to complete this design.
                          • You have a map of a college campus. Give your instructor directions to get from Building A to Building B.  
                          • Explain to your instructor how to tie shoelaces using only verbal instructions.
                          • In front of you are the following objects: a ukulele, wrapping paper, tape, and a ribbon. Guide the instructor through wrapping the ukulele. 
                          • You will be giving your partner instructions to finish a project. You are not allowed to use shapes to describe anything that you see in front of you. You will stand back-to-back with your partner.
                          • In front of you are Lego blocks forming a structure, which you can see but your partner cannot. Your goal is to guide your partner verbally to help them recreate this design with their own set of Legos. You will not be able to see each other or refer to color.
                          • Please describe to your partner what you see on the piece of paper on the desk. Your partner will be drawing images on a blank piece of paper based on your directions. You will not be able to see your partner during this exercise.

                          These MMI questions can help you practice and prepare for your interviews. You can also use our Interview Question Generator to prepare! ‍

                          List of Medical Schools that Use MMIs

                          Not every medical school uses MMI interviews. So, to help you with your medical school MMI prep, we’ve outlined which schools use MMIs: 

                          • Albany Medical College
                          • California Northstate University College of Medicine
                          • Central Michigan University College of Medicine
                          • Chicago Medical School at Rosalind Franklin University of Medicine & Science
                          • Dalhousie University Faculty of Medicine
                          • Donald and Barbara Zucker School of Medicine at Hofstra/Northwell
                          • Duke University School of Medicine
                          • Faculty of Medicine Université Laval
                          • Florida Atlantic University - Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine
                          • Geisinger Commonwealth
                          • John Sealy School of Medicine 
                          • Kaiser Permanente School of Medicine
                          • Max Rady College of Medicine at the University of Manitoba
                          • McGill University Faculty of Medicine
                          • McMaster University Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine
                          • Medical College of Georgia at Augusta University
                          • Memorial University of Newfoundland Faculty of Medicine
                          • Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
                          • New York Medical College
                          • New York University Long Island School of Medicine
                          • New York University Grossman School of Medicine
                          • Northern Ontario School of Medicine
                          • Nova Southeastern University Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine
                          • Oregon Health & Science University School of Medicine
                          • Queen's University School of Medicine
                          • Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School
                          • San Juan Bautista School of Medicine
                          • Stanford University School of Medicine
                          • SUNY Upstate Medical University College of Medicine
                          • TCU and UNTHSC School of Medicine
                          • Universidad Central del Caribe School of Medicine
                          • Universite de Montreal Faculty of Medicine
                          • Universite de Sherbrooke Faculty of Medicine
                          • University of Alabama School of Medicine
                          • University of Alberta Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry
                          • University of Arizona College of Medicine – Tucson
                          • University of Arizona College of Medicine – Phoenix
                          • University of British Columbia Faculty of Medicine
                          • University of Calgary Cumming School of Medicine
                          • University of California, Davis School of Medicine
                          • University of California, Riverside School of Medicine
                          • University of California, San Diego School of Medicine
                          • University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
                          • University of Houston College of Medicine 
                          • University of Illinois College of Medicine
                          • University of Massachusetts Medical School
                          • University of Michigan Medical School
                          • University of Minnesota Medical School–Twin Cities
                          • University of Mississippi School of Medicine
                          • University of Missouri – Kansas City School of Medicine
                          • University of Nevada Reno School of Medicine
                          • University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine
                          • University of Saskatchewan College of Medicine
                          • University of South Carolina School of Medicine – Greenville
                          • University of Texas at Austin Dell Medical School
                          • University of Toledo College of Medicine and Life Sciences
                          • University of Utah School of Medicine
                          • University of Vermont Larner College of Medicine
                          • Virginia Commonwealth University School of Medicine
                          • Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine
                          • Wake Forest School of Medicine
                          • Washington State University Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine
                          • Wayne State University School of Medicine

                          These questions will help you prepare for MMI! 

                          FAQs: MMI Interview Prep

                          The medical school MMI is full of challenges. But we’ve put together several questions and answers to help you overcome them.

                          1. What Topics Will Be Covered in MMIs?

                          The topics covered in the MMI include current issues in the medical field, real-life scenarios, collaboration, topics to assess your critical thinking and analytical skills, and your adherence to the ethics and values of the medical profession. 

                          2. Should I Follow Up With My Interviewers?

                          You may send a “thank you” note after your interview. Harvard University also suggests sending a handwritten note to interviewers following the MMI unless the school indicates otherwise. 

                          After the MMI, you can proceed to the final steps of your application. This may include sending a letter of intent to your number one school to show your continued and committed interest in the program. 

                          3. How Long is Each Mini Interview? 

                          Mini interviews should be no longer than eight minutes. Depending on the school, you may be permitted to take longer than the allotted two minutes between stations to consider the prompt; however, any extra time will cut into your maximum discussion time per station. 

                          4. Will I Have Time to Prepare Between Interviews?

                          Yes, you’ll have two minutes between interviews to read the topic or scenario for that section. 

                          You may also write the prompt on a piece of paper attached to the door of the interview room or when you enter. A buzzer will sound when it’s time to move on to the next interview.

                          5. Can I Ask the Interviewer Questions?

                          The interviewer can clarify terms, wording, and station instructions. They will not elaborate on the scoring procedure or MMI protocols. 

                          6. Will I Receive Feedback After My MMI? 

                          No, there’s no feedback at this stage of the interview process, either during or after the MMI.

                          7. How Long Does It Take to Prepare for MMIs?

                          How long it takes to prepare for your MMIs depends on how prepared you feel and how proficient you are at interviewing. However, we recommend preparing for your interviews as early as possible – you may not receive much notice from schools before your interview date.

                          8. What is the Best Way to Prepare for an MMI Interview?

                          The best way to prepare for an MMI is to research the school, review practice questions, and practice one-on-one with someone who can give you expert feedback on how to improve your performance. The more questions you practice with, the more prepared you’ll feel! 

                          9. How Do I Stop Being Nervous for MMI?

                          The best way to minimize nervousness is to feel prepared for the interview, take deep breaths, and remember to smile and try your best. 

                          10. What Should I Do on the Day of MMI?

                          You should show up to your interview early, eat a healthy breakfast, and ensure your equipment works if you’re participating in a virtual interview.

                          11. What to Wear to the MMI Interview?

                          The proper attire for the MMI interview includes dressing professionally with neutral tones like gray, black, navy blue, white, and cream. 

                          Men can wear a well-fitted suit with a tie, while women can opt for a pantsuit or skirt suit. Keep accessories minimal and ensure that you’re well-groomed. Avoid strong scents and carry a minimalist bag. 

                          12. Can I Use Personal Experiences In My MMI Responses?

                          Absolutely! In fact, relating your answers back to your personal experiences can make them more interesting, genuine, and authentic. They can demonstrate that you not only have medical knowledge but practical experience as well, making you a well-rounded candidate.

                          13. What Should I Do If I Don’t Know How To Answer An MMI Question?

                          Getting stuck or not knowing the answer to a question can happen. It sounds scary, but you can easily make the best out of this situation. You can take a few seconds to gather your thoughts and ask for clarification to buy some time. 

                          Stay calm and try to think of your own experiences that you can draw from. You can make these answers a little more generic, since you may not know the specifics. Try to be as confident as possible, as this will help sell your answer!

                          MMI Prep: Worth the Effort

                          The MMI format is a tried and trusted method of assessing your candidacy for medical school. However, it’s not without its challenges. Before going into the MMI, do your research, read this guide carefully, and ensure you understand what’s expected of you. 

                          Finally, RELAX! The best way to avoid freezing up during your interview is to stay calm, cool, and collected. Take a deep breath — you’ve got this.

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