How Is the CASPer Test Scored?

February 11, 2025
8 min read


Reviewed by:

Jonathan Preminger

Former Admissions Committee Member, Hofstra-Northwell School of Medicine

Reviewed: 4/25/24

If you recently took the CASPer test, you may be wondering: how is the CASPer test scored? If so, you have come to the right place! Below we’ll discuss everything you need to know about the evaluation process.

The Computer-Based Assessment for Sampling Personal Characteristics (CASPer) test has emerged as a valuable tool that medical schools use to evaluate individuals' personal attributes and characteristics. Many residency programs require CASPer, making a good score a crucial step in your career. 

It goes beyond traditional standardized testing by assessing non-academic qualities such as ethical decision-making, communication skills, and situational judgment. But have you ever wondered how the CASPer test is scored? 

In this article, we will answer the question “how is the CASPer scored?” and shed light on the meticulous evaluation process and the factors that are used during the assessment.

Understanding the scoring process can help students prepare for the CASPer test by providing valuable insights into how their responses are evaluated.

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Who Assesses Your CASPer Test?

The first step to learning how the CASPer test is scored is to understand who assesses it. Unlike traditional standardized tests, CASPer does not rely on multiple-choice questions or automated scoring algorithms. Instead, it employs a unique evaluation process in which human raters carefully assess the test-takers’ responses.

CASPer raters come from diverse backgrounds. They are made up of professionals from various disciplines, including experienced educators, healthcare professionals, psychologists, and social workers.

The Scoring Rubric

CASPer ensures fairness and consistency in the assessment process through a highly structured and standardized scoring rubric. Raters receive extensive training to effectively evaluate and score responses using this designated rubric. 

Questions on the CASPer test evaluate essential non-academic qualities, including empathy, professionalism, communication skills, and situational judgment. 

By providing a clear set of criteria, the rubric not only assists raters in evaluating traits that are often challenging to quantify but also helps to standardize the assessment process and minimize subjective judgments. This systematic approach ensures a more objective evaluation, enhancing the fairness and consistency of the overall assessment.

Assessment Process

During the assessment process, raters independently review and evaluate each response provided by the test-taker. They consider various aspects, including the clarity of the response, the ability to identify key issues, the thoughtfulness of the answer, and the consideration of multiple perspectives. 

It’s important to note that the scoring process is blind; raters are not provided with any personal information about the test-takers. This anonymity ensures an unbiased assessment, as the raters are solely focused on the quality and content of the responses. 

Moreover, multiple raters assess each response independently to ensure reliability and mitigate potential rater bias.

Raters who assess CASPer tests undergo continuous quality control measures to maintain consistency and fairness in the scoring process. These measures include regular feedback sessions, calibration exercises, and ongoing monitoring to address any potential issues or discrepancies.

After Assessment

After completing the assessment, the individual scores assigned by the raters for each response are compiled and standardized to provide an overall score for the test-taker. Admissions committees then use this score as part of their holistic evaluation process.

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How Are the CASPer Scores Reported?

Once the CASPer test has been completed and a team of trained raters has assessed the responses, the scores are reported to ensure transparency and provide valuable insights for admissions committees and program administrators.

CASPer scores are a combination of the overall and section scores. The overall score represents the candidate's performance across all sections, while the section scores provide a breakdown of their performance in each section. This breakdown allows for a more detailed understanding of the candidate's strengths and areas for improvement.

How CASPer Scores are Reported

It is important to note that CASPer scores are reported as a numerical value rather than a pass/fail result. This approach acknowledges the complex and multifaceted nature of personal characteristics assessment. 

By providing numerical scores, CASPer avoids oversimplification and offers a more detailed evaluation, allowing for a fair and holistic assessment of candidates.

CASPer scores are reported directly to the institutions or programs designated by the candidates during the registration process. 

It is up to each institution to determine how CASPer scores are used in their selection process, whether as a standalone criterion or as part of an assessment alongside other factors (such as the MCAT).

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How Long Does It Take to Get Your CASPer Score?

One question that often arises for CASPer test-takers is how long it takes to receive their scores after completing the assessment. Scoring and reporting CASPer scores involves several steps, and understanding the timeline can provide test-takers with clarity and peace of mind.

The turnaround time for receiving CASPer scores typically varies depending on the specific testing cycle and the policies of the institution or program to which the scores are being reported. However, CASPer scores are generally released to the designated institutions within two to three weeks after the test date.

CASPer Timeline

After completing the CASPer test, a team of trained raters assess the responses and follow a standardized scoring rubric. These raters carefully evaluate and score each response, considering various aspects such as clarity, thoughtfulness, and consideration of multiple perspectives. 

Given the human element involved in the scoring process, it is essential to allow adequate time for the raters to evaluate all the test-taker's responses thoroughly.

Once the scoring process is completed, the individual scores for each response are compiled, standardized, and processed. This involves collating the scores assigned by the raters and calculating the overall score and section scores for each test-taker. The scores are then verified and quality-controlled to ensure accuracy and consistency.

Where Scores are Submitted

After the quality control process, the scores are reported directly to the institutions or programs designated by the test-takers during registration. The scores are securely transmitted to maintain confidentiality and integrity. 

The time it takes for the scores to reach the designated institutions depends on various factors, including the volume of test-takers and the efficiency of the reporting system.

It is important to note that CASPer scores are released collectively for all the test-takers who participated on a specific test date. Therefore, the score release timeline is determined by completing the scoring process for all the test-takers who took the CASPer test on that particular date.

Be sure to regularly check the official CASPer website or reach out to the schools you’re applying to so you can stay informed about score reporting timelines. The institution or program will have the most up-to-date information regarding the release of CASPer scores for their specific application cycle.

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FAQs: How Is the CASPer Scored?

We’ve answered the question, “how is the CASPer test scored?” If you need further clarification, here are a few frequently asked questions. 

1. How Do I Score Well on the CASPer Test?

To score well on the CASPer test, focus on effective communication, critical thinking, and empathy. Practice expressing thoughts clearly and concisely, using proper grammar and a respectful tone. Consider multiple perspectives and think critically when responding to complex scenarios. 

Draw from personal experiences to support your answers. Manage time effectively by allocating sufficient time to read and understand each scenario, formulate thoughtful responses, and proofread. Seek feedback from mentors or peers and utilize practice resources. 

If you find that you need extra help, you can reach out to a tutor to guide you through preparing for the CASPer. Inspira offers a virtual and private tutoring program that can give you the one-on-one time you need to improve your score.

Stay calm, confident, and focused during the test, showcasing professionalism and ethical decision-making. By honing these skills and approaches, you can increase your chances of scoring well on the CASPer test.

2. How Much Does Your CASPer Score Matter?

Your CASPer score carries significant weight in the evaluation process, providing insights into your characteristics and attributes. While the specific importance of CASPer scores may vary among institutions, they often play a crucial role in assessing applicants. 

Admissions committees consider CASPer scores alongside other application components to gain a comprehensive understanding of your suitability for the profession or program. 

A strong CASPer score can demonstrate your interpersonal skills and professionalism, setting you apart from other candidates. Thus, investing time and effort to perform well on the CASPer test can greatly enhance your chances of success.

3. How Do I Find My CASPer Quartile Score?

CASPer quartile scores represent how your performance compares to other test-takers. To find your CASPer quartile score, you would typically need access to score distribution data from the organization administering the test. This data may only sometimes be readily available to individual test-takers. 

However, some programs may provide information on quartile cutoffs or percentiles for their applicant pool. These can give you an idea of where your score falls relative to other applicants. 

Remember that institutions and programs typically use CASPer quartile scores for their internal evaluation and may not be disclosed to individual test-takers directly.

4. Do All Residency Programs Require CASPer? 

Not all residency programs require the CASPer test as part of their application process. While some residency programs, particularly in certain specialties like family medicine or emergency medicine, may include CASPer as a component of their selection criteria, it is not universally required across all programs. 

The specific requirements for each residency program can vary, and applicants should carefully review the application instructions provided by individual programs to determine whether CASPer is mandatory or optional for their application.

5. What Is a Good CASPer Score? 

CASPer scores are not typically reported as numerical values, making it difficult to provide a specific benchmark for a "good" score. Instead of assigning numerical scores, CASPer assessments are evaluated based on a holistic approach, considering the applicant's overall performance in the situational judgment test. 

The score interpretation is done by admissions committees, who assess applicants based on their ability to navigate ethical dilemmas, demonstrate effective communication, display critical thinking, and exhibit professionalism. 

It is important to note that CASPer scores are often just one factor among many considered during the selection process, alongside academic achievements, letters of recommendation, personal statements, and interviews. 

While there is no universally defined threshold for a "good" CASPer score, applicants should strive to perform to the best of their abilities and showcase their personal qualities through thoughtful and ethical responses during the test.

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Final Thoughts

Understanding the scoring process of the CASPer test offers valuable insights into how test-takers' responses are evaluated and contribute to the overall assessment of their characteristics and attributes. 

The emphasis on non-academic qualities makes CASPer a unique and valuable assessment tool for medical school admissions. 

As the CASPer test continues to be embraced in various professional fields, a deeper understanding of its scoring process empowers individuals to confidently approach the test and strive for success in their chosen paths.

Good luck!

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